12.03.2024, 11.00 Uhr

Green Events Hamburg workshop: What are aspects of a green event? (English, online)

12.03.2024, 11:00 Uhr bis 12.03.2024, 14:00 Uhr Green Events Hamburg

Im Zuge des Interreg Projektes Change(K)now! möchten wir auf einen englischsprachigen Workshop hinweisen, den wir am 12. März online anbieten. Weitere Informationen folgen auf Englisch.

On March 12 from 11:00-13:00 (CET), Lukas and Frithjof will be holding an online workshop in English language on the sustainable organization of events. We will discuss which fields of action exist and which measures can be taken. We will talk about the areas in which there are particularly large levers for improving the environmental impact of an event. We include case studies and want to provide a practical insight into implementation.

In the second half, we will focus on the use of reusable (systems) and the potentials and barriers involved. We will present various areas using best practices from events.

We would be delighted if you could forward the offer to English-speaking interested parties!

Preliminary Agenda

Part I | 11:00-12:00 (CET) | About green events

  • Brief introduction to Green Events Hamburg
  • Presentation of 10 fields of action of a green event
    • Corporate management & organisational culture
    • Event location
    • Stand operators & concept
    • Climate protection measures
    • Procurement, material & waste management
    • Accommodation
    • Catering
    • Social aspects & inclusion
    • Communication
    • Economic sustainability
  • Q & A

Part II | 12:00-13:00 (CET) | Single-use plastic products vs Reusables

  • Crockery, cutlery & waste at events: basics, life cycle assessments etc.
  • What are the challenges of reusables at events e.g.:
    • Technically
    • Logistical
    • Depos
  • What case studies already exist from which we can learn?
  • Q & A

Change(K)now! project is co-funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region. The projects main objective is a mindset change from single-use to circular or multiple-use of food delivery systems in cities and residents of the Baltic Sea Region.

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